Breed Specific Dog Rescues in Northern California

If you have your heart set on a specific bred of dog, you can look for a Breed Specific Dog Rescues in Northern California that specializes in placing this type of dog in new home. Choosing to adopt a dog from a breed-specific rescue can be rewarding, but you will need to begin by doing some research to find a breed that’s right for you and a rescue organization in your area that specializes in that breed. Below you will find a list of breed-specific rescue organizations in Northern California.

Afghan Hound Rescue of California

 NorCal Aussie Rescue

Golden Gate Basset Hound Rescue

Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern California

Border Collie Rescue of Northern California

Daisyland Beagle Re-Homing – Email us at or contact us at 916-201-7080

Northern California Border Collie Rescue & Adoptions

Northern California Bulldog Rescue

NorCal Cocker Rescue

Second Chance Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Dachshund Rescue of Northern California

DogWorks Doberman Rescue

English Springer Rescue America

German Shepherd Rescue of Sacramento Valley

NorCal German Shorthair Pointer Rescue

Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary

Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary

Great Dane Rescue of Northern California

Greyhound Friends for Life

Central California Labrador Retriever Rescue

West Coast Mastiff and Large Breed Rescue

Miniature Pinscher Service

Pomeranian Rescue 
Group of Northern California

Pug Rescue of Sacramento

Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue

Saints of the West Rescue and Adoption (Saint Bernard)

San Francisco Samoyed Rescue

California Sharpei Rescue

Siberian Husky Rescue Referral of California

Vizsla Club of Northern California

Northern California Weimaraner Rescue

Westie Rescue of California


*Value Dog Training makes no representations regarding the accuracy of this information or the abilities of these organizations. This list is provided as a resource only. Updated September 1, 2018

This information is brought to you as a public service by Value Dog Training

In Home Dog Training. For more information, contact us at 916-201-7080.

Value Dog Training – mission is to improve the quality of life for dogs, and the people who love them.

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