Safe Human Medications for Dogs

Yes you can give your Dog Human Medications, and in most cases, you should be only giving your dog medications that were manufactured specifically for dogs. However, there are some human meds for dogs that are completely safe.

Fact is dogs and not human’s, it's also the size of your pet that matters when considering human meds for dogs. Even when a medication is safe for a dog to take, the dosage may not be safe. You should never try to “figure out” the dosage for your pet simply based on the label of a human medication.

It’s important to note that many factors can render “safe” human medications to be unsafe for dogs. These factors include your dog's overall health, other medications being taken, breed, size, and age. You should never give anything to your pet that is not intended for them without consulting a veterinarian first.


Hydrocortisone creams can be used topically on your dog in small amounts for itchy skin, but they should never be used in areas where your dog can lick the cream away because it's toxic. 

Using hydrocortisone cream should be limited to short periods, and you should keep an eye out for side effects like behavior changes, weakness, and nausea.

More companies are beginning to use this substance for pet products. You'll find OTC itch creams and skin infection treatments to contain this chemical. It’s always best to use hydrocortisone products that have been developed for dogs rather than using human alternatives that may include toxic additives.

Benadryl (Diphenhydramine)

Benadryl is used in veterinary practices as a treatment for allergies, motion sickness, and travel anxiety. It's also a popular human medicine for dogs, and it's often used in veterinary practice. But there were also cases of diphenhydramine poisoning in dogs.

If your pet is experiencing any of the above-mentioned illnesses, call your vet to confirm Benadryl dosage specific to your dog. Additionally, ask if any of your dog’s current health conditions will be negatively impacted by administration of Benadryl.

Side effects that you should look out for when giving Benadryl include sedation, salivation, increased respiration, urinary retention, dry mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, increased appetite, and decreased appetite. If you notice that your dog develops dilated pupils, agitation, seizures, rapid heartbeat, and constipation, you may have given your dog too much Benadryl and you need to get to the emergency vet immediately.

Zyrtec (Cetirizine)

Zyrtec is a very popular brand used to treat allergy symptoms in humans, but it’s also been used in dogs for the same purpose, particularly in cases of chronic dermatitis. It can also be used to treat hot spot itching. Many times, Zyrtec is used as an alternative to Benadryl in dogs that don’t tolerate Benadryl well.

Zyrtec actually has been tested and has been shown to be quite safe for use in dogs. It should never be given to dogs with compromised kidney function and should be used with care in senior dogs after you consult with a vet.

Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate)

Dramamine is used by some veterinarians for the treatment of travel sickness and travel related anxiety in dogs. Dogs can experience side effects as a result of Dramamine including difficulty urinating, dry mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.

While it's one of the safe human med’s for dogs, it’s exceptionally important to consult a veterinarian for the correct dosing of Dramamine for your dog before using it; overdosing is quite easy and very common in pets. Signs that indicate an overdose include respiratory difficulty, seizures, lethargy, and coma.

Imodium (Loperamide)

Imodium is a tricky medication. Some dogs with diarrhea can take loperamide, and it's safe for them. However, it can cause side effects in other dogs as show in studies, so it should never be given without veterinary supervision.

A dog with diarrhea due to an infection or ingestion of a toxin, or  a dog with certain health conditions, Imodium can cause constipation, severe sedation, bloat, and pancreatitis.


Pepto-Bismol falls into much the same category as Imodium mentioned above. It is one of the safer human meds for dogs, but only for certain dogs with specific conditions, and only under veterinary supervision.

If your dog has diarrhea or upset stomach, it’s best to use a dog diarrhea medication or stomach upset aids. If you do get the go-ahead to give your dog Pepto-Bismol, be aware that should your dog need an X-ray for any reason before the medication has passed, it may be mistaken for a metallic body in their gastrointestinal system so make sure you notify your vet.

Lomotil (Atropine / Diphenoxylate)

Lomotil is used by humans to manage diarrhea, and it is also used to treat diarrhea and colitis in dogs and cats. Lomotil works by slowing the digestive tract, improves the ability to absorb liquids, and reduces intestinal secretions. In other uses, Lomotil has also been shown to reduce coughing.

Lomotil dosing and length of treatment should be determined by your vet based on your dog’s age, size, breed, current health, and the reason for their needing treatment with Lomotil.

Prilosec (Omeprazole)

Omeprazole can be safely used in dogs with ulcers or excess stomach acid, but only if your vet has approved its use and given you proper dosing instructions. Some studies found it to be more effective than the above-mentioned cimetidine.

Dosing of omeprazole for dogs is particularly important because it was developed for human use and has never been officially approved for animal use, even though studies found it to be safe and effective.

Gas-X (Simethicone)

Simethicone is used in humans and in dogs to treat gas; however, it should not be used for a long period of time and should never be used without first consulting your veterinarian.

It’s not just important to get dosing information from your vet, but it’s even more important to find out the cause of your dog’s gas. Is their diet not agreeing with them? Are they suffering from an infection? Have they eaten something they shouldn’t have? The root of your dog’s gas must be identified in order to be properly treated.

If your veterinarian approves the short-term use of simethicone for your dog make sure that you do not vary from their treatment plan. Long-term use of simethicone can alter natural PH levels in your dog’s gastrointestinal system and lead to bacterial infection.

Pepcid-AC (Famotidine)

Pepcid-AC or Famotidine is used by veterinarians for the treatment of gastric and intestinal ulcers in dogs. It's proven to be safe, and it works by suppressing the secretion of stomach acid so that the ulceration can heal.

Famotidine is also used to treat reflex in dogs, to reduce stomach inflammation resulting from kidney failure, and to suppress histamine secretion in dogs with mast cell tumors. It's used often and is one of the safer human med’s for dogs out there, but studies show that continuous use makes it less effective with time.

The dosage of Famotidine must be determined by your vet depending on what your dog is being treated for. Additionally, Famotidine is known to interact with a variety of other medications and should not be given without being cleared by your vet. Famotidine overdose is not a common occurrence, but if your dog exhibits rapid heart rate, vomiting, pale gums, restlessness, or collapses, they may have overdosed.

Tagamet (Cimetidine)

Cimetidine is sometimes prescribed as an extra-label drug in veterinary medicine to treat gastritis, reflux, esophagitis, and for treating mast cell tumors in dogs. Although cimetidine is safe to use in most dogs, consult your vet before use as it can interact with a variety of other medicines and cause problems for senior dogs and pets with blood disorders.

Responsible use of Tagamet generally does not lead to side effects when used under vet supervision, and it has been used to treat pets very often. However, an overdose of cimetidine can result in tachycardia and respiratory failure in the dog.


Prednisone is used in dogs to treat inflammation from arthritis, autoimmune disease, allergies, and Addison’s disease, and was found to be partially effective.

Prednisone must be given by prescription, and it’s important for your vet to oversee any Prednisone treatment due to the side effects common to corticosteroid treatment.

Always give Prednisone exactly as directed by your vet and watch for troublesome side effects. Side effects seen with Prednisone treatment include upset stomach, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. Prednisone can pose difficulties when given to dogs with liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, hypothyroidism, stomach ulcers, or diabetes.

Buffered Aspirin

Some veterinarians recommend buffered aspirin for dogs with pain due to arthritis, and studies found it to be better tolerated by dogs. However, it is not generally the treatment of choice and will only be used in rare occasions.

While technically it can be one of the safe human meds for dogs, there are many other (and better) dog-specific NSAID’s available for pain, or even less potent pain relievers that are safer for dogs to take that you can procure from your vet.

If your vet does recommend buffered aspirin for your pet, make sure that there are no added ingredients like acetaminophen, and follow your veterinarian’s dosing instructions to a tee. You should also keep in mind that even buffered aspirin administered under vet supervision can cause side effects like kidney damage or internal bleeding.


If you have questions about the correct dosage of an OTC medication for your dog, call your vet. If you aren’t sure about medication that is on this list, i.e. the “SAFE LIST”, call your vet. If you’re unsure what to treat because your dog’s symptoms are all over the map, call your vet.

Value Dog Training - For more information, contact us at 916-201-7080.

Value Dog Training - Mission is to improve the quality of life for dogs, and the people who love them. 

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