Types of Dog Aggression

Types of Dog Aggression

Understanding the types of dog aggression is in understanding exactly what the dog’s triggers are, in other words, what sort of things cause him or her to react aggressively or become anxious. What are the sequence of events and circumstances that occur before the dog becomes aggressive? Keeping detailed records may start to reveal a pattern. 

It is rare to see a dog with only one type of dog aggression, and an aggressive dog may also have other behavior problems. 

Below are the types of Dog Aggression

Territorial Aggression

Like a little kid that doesn’t want his siblings in his room, dogs can become aggressive when they feel intruders are invading their space. This can mean their yard, home, car, or even just their bed. These intruders aren’t limited to people, they can be other animals too like your neighbors cat or an adventurous squirrel.

Possessive Aggression

Similar to territorial aggression, dogs want to lay claim to what is theirs. This form can pop up when someone tries to play with your dog’s toys, stake claim to his bed, or try to steal his snacks or meals.

Protective Aggression

The perfect example of protective aggression is a mother dog with her puppies. Some females won’t let even their most trusted humans handle their babies.  Other dogs can be protective of you and and members of your family as well.

Social Aggression

Some dogs become aggressive when put into groups of other dogs or people. It may be out of fear, uncertainty or trying to establish dominance over the other group members.

Redirected Aggression

When your dog can’t get to the cause of their anger they may take it out on who ever is available. For example, if your dog gets worked up when the mailman stops by, he may bite you or your other pets because he can’t get to the mailman himself.

Pain-elicited Aggression

An injured dog may bite those that are trying to help her simply due to pain or discomfort.

Value Dog Training - For more information, contact us at 916-201-7080.

Value Dog Training - Mission is to improve the quality of life for dogs, and the people who love them.

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