What to Do with Dogs When Kids Go Back to School and Work.

Kids aren’t the only ones who might be sad to say goodbye to summer and hello to school. Your dog may have a hard time adjusting too! The transition from having the kids around to play with all day to a quiet house can be a little challenging for some dogs. They may get lonely and bored, or lost in the shuffle of a busy family’s schedule. Here are some recommendations for keeping your dog active and cared for during the school year.

Bring Your Dog on Adventures

Does your dog love to get out of the house? Whether driving or walking, you might consider including him or her in the daily trips to and from school.


If your dog is comfortable with crowds and noise, bring him or her along when you walk the kids to school or the bus stop. On the way back, add a few blocks or miles to give him or her a real workout. Your dog will love the attention from the other kids.

Maybe plan a route that intersects your favorite coffee shop or pet store to pick up treats for you and your pup!


If your dog enjoys car rides, let him or her come along occasionally when dropping the kids off, picking them up, or when you’re headed out to run some errands. Just remember, never leave your dog in the car unattended. Only take him or her along if you can stay together for the duration of the outing.

Dog Play Day

A Doggie Play Day is a convenient option for extended care and advanced wear-out. While everyone else in the family is busy with school and work, let your dog run around and socialize.

What’s really cool about Dog Play Day is that your dog will get little (if any) sleep while he’s there because he’s having so much fun. That means he’ll probably come home tired and ready to pass out and maybe even still be tired the next day! Value Dog Training can assist you in choosing the most appropriate option for your dog. Contact us at 916-201-7080 about Dog Play Days

Get a Buddy for Your Dog

This might sound like a strange (and possibly crazy) suggestion if you feel pressed for time with one pet, but adding another animal to the mix can really help. The pets can keep each other company, play with one another, and teach each other proper social skills and manners. Just be sure to do your research on how to properly introduce the new animals, dog or cat, to one another.

Dog Walker

Hiring someone to walk your dog - or even just play with him while you’re at work or getting stuff done around the house - can help get you a long way. If using a professional service every day isn’t in the budget, try a long session once or twice a week. If your pet is easily managed, put word out to local college students or neighbors to see if they’d like to help. The key is to find a helper or service that matches your dog's needs. If you have a big, active dog, you want someone who can take him on long, strenuous hikes to wear him out. Dog sitting and dog walking can help reduce anxiety and energy levels when you aren’t around to help. Value Dog Training offers these service; inquire within at 916-201-7080.

Make Time for Your Dog

You don’t always have to take your dog on grand adventures to keep him or her happy. Much like human kids, dogs just want to be around you and know they are loved!

Enroll in a Class or Have Your Own Obedience Lessons

Just like your kids, your dog thrives when they have mental stimulation. If you'd like your dog to learn basic obedience or agility, consider scheduling an in-home training session, with Value Dog Training! Learning some helpful skills and having goals to achieve will make your dog more confident and happy. The brainpower he or she has to expend also exhausts him or her! Even spending ten minutes twice a day practicing commands can make a big difference. You will have an added bonus as you get a well-mannered dog out of it!

Get Your Kids Involved

It’s also never too early to teach the kids how to care for your dog. Even young children can scoop food into a bowl or tell you if the water needs refilling, while older kids can take complete responsibility. Have the kids take extra time in the morning to double check that the dog has clean, fresh water and food,”

Bonding between your children and their dog is a very critical part of owning a dog. When it’s time for homework, include the dog! It might be enjoyable for your kids to have some quiet company to practice their reading, math, or language skills. This works especially well with kids who are shy or in need of a confidence boost! Play time with the dogs can also be a helpful incentive, so you can use them as a motivator/reward (ie. “if you finish your spelling homework, you can play fetch with Harley for 5 minutes”).


Value Dog Training - For more information, contact us at 916-201-7080.

Value Dog Training - Mission is to improve the quality of life for dogs, and the people who love them.

© Value Dog Training. All Rights Reserved. 



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