BBQ Safety Tips for Your Dog

Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe Around A BBQ

Spring time is the start of BBQ season, and with summer days just around the corner, soon many dog lovers will be firing up the BBQ and or smokers. Here are some safety tips on keeping your dog safe at a backyard BBQ!

Before the BBQ Begins

Safety begins before the meat ever reaches the barbecue. Before you take the meat out to the grill, be sure to:
Keep any lighter fluid away from your dog
Keep matches away from your dog
Keep barbecue seasonings and rubs out of reach
Arrange a place for your dog to be during the barbecue. This might be in other areas of the yard or the house, or another area where he’s safely away from the grill and all the dangers it involves.

During the BBQ

When you take the meat out to barbecue, it’s best to keep your dog in the house or completely out of the barbecue area. Some barbecue grills can be tipped over by a curious dog which could be disastrous not only for your dog but also create a real fire hazard.

if alcoholic beverages are involved, keep these away from your dog–alcohol is toxic to dogs. Designate someone to pick up drinks so your dog doesn’t get into that abandoned but not empty beer.

Barbecuing can be a fast as 10 minutes to as slow as 20 hours for a brisket, so you’ll be in and out of the house quite a bit during the process. Make sure you know where your dog is after each trip in and out.

If your dog is around as everyone enjoys the finished product, make sure every at diner knows NOT to toss bones to your dog. Cooked bones like rib bones can splinter and be extremely dangerous.

After the BBQ

Keep your dog away from the BBQ pit or grill until it cools completely; this can take a considerable amount of time.
Be careful with barbecue utensils, from long forks to meat thermometers; before they’re cleaned, they’ll be very appealing to your dog…and very dangerous.

If you’ve used wooden meat skewers, get them into a closed trash can right away; your dog will be tempted to chew them and the sharp ends present a real hazard.

If you’ve used charcoal, empty all ashes into a metal can and firmly place the top on so your dog cannot reach the ashes. Remember, grease and pieces of meat will have fallen into the ashes so they’ll be all too tempting to your dog.

Enjoy Your BBQ

Value Dog Training - For more information, contact us at 916-201-7080.

Value Dog Training - Mission is to improve the quality of life for dogs, and the people who love them. 

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