DIY Dog Grooming

DIY Dog Grooming

It doesn’t matter if you own a short hair or long haired breed of dog, basic grooming is essential. Keeping your dog looking clean and fresh is one reason to groom your dog but it is also a necessity for your dog’s personal hygiene. Keeping your dog's coat, paws, nails, and ears clean and healthy will help a long way toward helping your dog healthy. Here are some tips on how you can groom your dog at home using this DIY Dog Grooming introduction.


The most valuable tip for "DIY Dog Grooming" is to use only lukewarm water when bathing your dog. The reason behind this is that hot water may cause rashes or skin irritation. Water that is too cold may spook your dog which will make it even more difficult to give it a bath. Spray a small amount of bath water onto your hand and see if it feels comfortable. If it does, then your dog should be able to use it.

Select a suitable shampoo that matches your dog’s breed, fur type, age and skin condition. Dog’s skin have a different pH level as compared to us humans, so please avoid using human shampoo on your dog. There are a variety of different dog shampoos available for purchase at your local supermarket or pet store. However, depending on your dog’s skin condition, you may want to consult with a vet if your dog has specific conditions such as sensitive skin or excessive itching. If your dog’s skin condition is relatively normal, feel free to choose a suitable dog shampoo based on various scents or ingredients for your dog.

When you begin bathing your dog, begin massaging the shampoo. Start from the paws and legs and work your way up your dog’s body. Make sure to massage a lather, focusing on each section for about 3 to 5 minutes. It can sting a bit if any of the shampoo gets into their eyes. If your dog is calm, you can use cotton pads to cover their eyes. This will ensure no shampoo gets into your dog’s eyes. This makes it easy to rinse your dog. As opposed to lathering up the shampoo from the paw upwards, you’ll want to rinse your dog in the opposite direction which is from the head downwards.

Drying your Dog

Depending on its size, you will want to keep a lot of towels around as your dog may want to run around. Drying your dog is a must. Make sure that your dog’s fur is as dry as possible by thoroughly toweling it. Add in a few belly rubs and praises to calm down your over-excited dog from running off. Avoid using a hairdryer unless you are a professional groomer. It will be difficult to regulate the temperature and you may risk scaring or stressing your dog out.

Paw and Nail Care

Dog’s claws may need clipping every now and then to ensure good hygiene. You need to clip your dog's nails when their claws scratch when they walk. If you can hear your dog’s claws scraping against the ground as it walks, then it might be time for a trim. Short claws prevent your dog from getting its claws snagged on objects and injuring itself. Make sure to trim the fur between their claws to prevent dirt from collecting there. (especially if your dog loves digging in the yard).


Depending on the length of your dog’s coat, you will generally need to comb it before and after a bath. For normal coats, you will need to brush at least 3 times a week to maintain a healthy and shiny coat. Larger breeds such as German Shepherds and Labradors should be brushed during bath time to remove any loose fur from its undercoat and reduce shedding.

Ear Hygiene

The inside and outside of your dog’s ears should be cleaned during bath time. Do not prod aggressively with a cotton bud as this can aggravate your dog. A cotton ball can be used to gently rub dirt from your dog's ears. Make sure to not clean your dog’s ears too often as this could lead to infections.

Dental Hygiene

Ensuring healthy teeth and gums may be a tedious task for some dogs, but it has to be done. If possible, try to brush your dog’s teeth at least once a day. Special toothbrushes and toothpastes are available for dogs from your local pet store. *Note (do not use human toothbrushes or toothpaste!) and be sure to brush when your dog is feeling relatively calm. Reward your dog with belly rubs and praise once you’re done with the ordeal.

Value Dog Training - For more information, contact us at 916-201-7080.

Value Dog Training – Mission is to improve the quality of life for dogs, and the people who love them. DIY Dog Grooming is very beneficial for your dog and will create a stronger bond between you both.

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